The concept of the Metaverse was introduced in the novel Ready Player One, which was based on the science fiction novel by Ernest Cline. This fictional environment is a physically persistent virtual space. People can participate together, use avatars, and interact digitally. As an added bonus, the experience can be fully immersive. Unlike a real world, the Metaverse doesn’t have physical boundaries, but is rather a world that’s populated by virtual objects.
Proponents of the metaverse believe that it will benefit humanity in many ways, including expanding mental health, access, and social networks. While these benefits are highly speculative, they can increase empathy and inspire kindness. They can’t be proven, but they are worth considering. In the meantime, the concept of the “metaverse” has already created a lot of buzz and controversy. But is the Metaverse the future of human life?
It’s a good question to ask. It’s impossible to predict what the future of the internet may look like, but there’s a high probability that it will be something a lot more complex than today’s Internet. Gartner estimates that 25% of the population will spend at least an hour in the Metaverse each day by 2026. Moreover, there is no single vendor that controls the Metaverse, which means that it is not owned by any one company. It also needs multiple technologies to function. Among them are contributing tech, AR cloud, and flexible work styles.