Physical therapists are trained medical professionals who help people to restore movement and function. They provide rehabilitation and treatment services that aim to improve the person’s quality of life and reduce the risk of injury. While the practice of physiotherapy is often regulated, some practitioners work from home and offer home visits. Physiotherapists consider the whole body in their treatment and can incorporate aquatic therapy, acupuncture, or massage. They are employed by private companies and the NHS, and can assist people with a variety of physical conditions.
Physiotherapists provide care for patients suffering from various injuries and illnesses. They help people recover faster, manage pain, and improve their quality of life. Physiotherapists are registered with AHPRA, are trained, and are required to take continuing education courses in order to keep up with the latest advances in medicine and the field of physiotherapy. Whether you are seeking treatment for a chronic health condition or an injury, physiotherapy can help you.
Physical therapists use physical exercise as their primary technique. They develop exercises to restore normal movement and mobility to injured body parts. Some of these exercises can be repeated at home, or they can be prescribed by a physiotherapist. Depending on the severity of your condition, a physical therapist may also use equipment or other methods to help you improve your mobility. For chronic conditions, hot and cold therapies may be used. Moreover, ultrasound therapy can reduce inflammation and pain.